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1.5 Ton Ultron EVA eComfort Metallic Gold DC Inverter with T3 tropicalized inverter, Japanese PCB Kit, Auto Pilot, Optimized compressor drive, Low voltage operation, 50 feet long 4D air throw, Biggest indoor unit, Auto Clean Sterilization System, For All Weathers Heat & Cool, 100 % Pure copper, Turbo mode, Low Noise Operations, Gold Fin – Anti Rust Coating & Catechin filters | At Lahore Centre electronics.
2.0 Ton Ultron LUNAR eComfort Grace Golden DC Inverter with Optimized compressor drive, Low voltage operation, 50 feet long 4D air throw, Biggest indoor unit, Auto Clean Sterilization System, For All Weathers Heat & Cool, 100 % Pure copper, Turbo mode, Low Noise Operations, Gold Fin – Anti Rust Coating & Catechin filters | At Lahore Centre electronics.
Ultron Super Mirror 1.5 Ton Ac has the beautiful black mirror panel with the biggest indoor unit and the decent black color. The beauty of Ultron Super Mirror 1.5 Ton Ac goes hand in hand with the inverter technology which allow you to save your money with the low voltage consumption.